ABC’s of Organic Cooking

Organic cooking takes health, flavor and eco-consciousness to another level. Organic cooking uses all organic ingredients that meet the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s strict organic standards, which means no pesticides, herbicides or insecticides are used on produce, and eggs, dairy and meats come from grass-fed animals that don’t receive antibiotics, growth hormones or GMOs. The result is delicious, healthy and high-quality products that you can make into wonderful organic meals. Here are the ABC’s of organic cooking:

  • Alcohol

    Organic alcohol, such as organic beer, wine or vodka is suitable for cooking organic meals. Organic alcohol is made from ingredients that are grown on certified organic farms without the use of pesticides or potentially toxic chemicals. Even the distilling process must be done organically, without nitrogen or other chemicals.
  • Baking powder
    Organic baking powder is vital for making baked goods because of its leavening agent, which increases the volume of baked goods. Organic baking powder has the same double- acting components of regular baking powder, minus the sodium aluminum sulfate, a genetically modified ingredient.
  • Chocolate
    Organic chocolate is packed with all of the delicious and nutritious goodness that you get from regular chocolate, but it’s made from organically-grown cacao beans that are free of toxic chemicals.
  • Desserts
    From flour, eggs and chocolate, organic desserts are made with all organic ingredients, and, best of all, you don’t have to skimp on taste or variety. Chocolate chip cookies, vanilla ice cream and cheesecake are just a few of the many desserts that you can bake organically.
  • Eggs
    Organic eggs are fed organic feed, which prohibits the use of GMOs and animal byproducts. Organic eggs are a healthy and delicious option for organic cooking and baking.
  • Fruit
    Organic fruits are bright, delicious and full of nutrients, which makes them an important asset to any organic meal. Certified organic fruits are grown without pesticides and toxic chemicals that linger on conventionally-grown fruits, and it’s a difference you can taste and see.
  • Garlic
    What dinner would be complete without garlic? Organic garlic packs the same nutritional benefits of nonorganic, but without the icky pesticides and chemicals.
  • Herbs and spices
    Organic herbs and spices are all natural and of high quality because they are non-irradiated and don’t use ETO chemical sterilization. These herbs and spices are fresh, fragrant and will bring a wonderful flavor to your organic meals.
  • Infant formula
    Organic infant formula is a healthy alternative to nonorganic infant formula because it doesn’t contain any growth hormones, antibiotics, steroids or harmful pesticides. In addition, organic infant formula is made to replicate breast milk with high quality proteins, vitamins, minerals and added omega fatty acids, such as DHA and ARA. For organic cookers, you can also make your own natural, organic infant formula using top-quality organic ingredients.
  • Juice
    Organic juices come in a variety of types and flavors. Organic fruit and vegetable juices are grown organically, without pesticides and harmful chemicals. Many organic juices are not from concentrate, they’re cold pressed directly from fresh fruit and flash pasteurized to maintain the nutrients and taste. Organic juice can be used in cooking, baking and are delicious on their own.
  • Kosher
    Kosher foods can also be organic because they conform to the Jewish biblical laws and USDA certified organic standards. Kosher and organic foods actually have quite a bit in common because both require that animals be fed organically grown food and be treated humanely. Organic kosher food is tasty and a delicious option for organic cooking.
  • Legumes
    Organic legumes, such as beans, peas and lentils are grown without pesticides and harmful chemicals that would otherwise seep into the seed, pod or shell of a nonorganic legume. Organic legumes are excellent for organic cooking, and they pack a lot of flavor and health benefits too.
  • Milk
    Organic milk comes from cows that are given certified organic feed, without antibiotics, synthetic hormones, animal byproducts or pesticides. Organic-fed cows are raised humanely and graze freely, which promotes healthy cows and better quality products. Organic milk comes in a variety of types and can be used in numerous organic meals.
  • Nuts
    Raw organic nuts are a healthy alternative to roasted nuts because they don’t contain pesticides or potentially harmful chemicals, and organic nuts don’t have the threat of dangerous acrylamides like roasted nuts. Whether you munch on them out of the can, make your own peanut butter or throw them into a salad, organic raw nuts are tasty and better for you.
  • Olive oil
    Organic olive oil is made from organic olives that are grown without pesticides or chemicals. Olive oil is a staple of the Mediterranean diet and it’s great for organic cooking, as well.
  • Peppers
    From bell, jalapeno to cayenne peppers, organic peppers pack the same flavorful punch as nonorganic, but have the added benefits of being pesticide-free. Organic peppers are an excellent addition to organic meals because of their nutritional benefits and powerful taste.
  • Queso
    Organic cheese comes from cows that are fed organic feeds, without antibiotics or synthetic growth hormones, and many graze naturally on organic pasture plants. Organic cheese comes in a wide variety of flavors and it adds a nice touch to any meal.
  • Recipes
    In order to cook organically, you’ll want to follow organic recipes that can be found in cookbooks, online and on organic food packages, as well as at organic grocery stores. Following an organic recipe that only uses organic ingredients will give you the joy of cooking healthy and doing good for the environment.
  • Sugars
    Organic sugars are excellent replacements for refined sugars. Organic sugars, including white, light and dark brown and powdered sugar, are made from certified sugar cane and are perfect for sprinkling in beverages, on foods and for baking.
  • Tea
    Organic tea is grown on land that doesn’t use pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, chemical additives or other potentially harmful chemicals. Organic tea is completely natural and makes for a delicious beverage or ingredient for cooking.
  • Utensils
    Yes, even your utensils can be organic and super stylish as well. Most organic utensils are made of organic bamboo, which is extremely durable and eco-friendly because it’s made without toxic chemicals.
  • Vegetables
    For organic cookers, organic vegetables are the only way to go. Organic vegetables are grown without pesticides and toxic chemicals. This can affect the size, taste and nutritional value of your organic veggies, which makes cooking them a healthy and delicious option.
  • Whole grains
    Organic whole grains, like wheat, oat, barley, rye and brown rice are packed with more nutrients and pesticide-free benefits that you can’t get with refined-grain foods.
  • Xtra good for you
    Organic foods are extra good for you because they are grown and processed without pesticides and potentially harmful chemicals that you won’t be ingesting.
  • Yogurt
    Organic yogurt is made with organic milk from cows that are given organic feed, without antibiotics or hormones. Many organic yogurts are also free of artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, MSG or gelatin. Organic yogurt has the same, if not more, live and active probiotic cultures as regular yogurt, and is just as delicious and great to cook with.
  • Zest
    Zest is a piece of the peel from a citrus fruit, such as a lemon, orange, citron and lime. Zest is added to foods and desserts to add a fruitful flavor. The same flavorful effect can be achieved by using an organic citrus fruit and zesting its outer, pesticide-free skin.

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