World’s Most Expensive Soda Can

World's Most Expensive Soda Can

The subtitle on the website of Robin Antar’s Antar Studios inc. proclaims her work as “Realism in Stone.” Antar’s work consists mostly of mundane objects such as denim jackets, potato chip bags, tubes of toothpaste and even M&Ms bags rendered in stone. While you can’t drink from it, Antar’s “Soda Can” is likely the most expensive soda can in the world.

The costly can is carved from a single block of marble, polished and capped with a sculpted, silver-painted lid. Antar chose to carve a slightly crushed can rather than a boring, pristine can. At 10” by 18”, it’s not the largest of Antar’s oversized works, but it’s still larger than your average soda can. It weighs in at 150 lbs.

The most expensive soda can is valued at $36,000.

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