Picture of Daily Funniest moment “Freak” continues to be used to describe genetic mutations in plants and animals, i.e. “freaks of nature.” “Freak” can also be used in a verb form, and can mean: “to become stressed and upset”. Usually, in this form, the word is followed by “out” to complete the phrase, “freaking out”. However, this meaning and usage is usually considered slang. Adjectival forms include “freakish” as well as “freaky.” The verb “freaking” (or, “freaking out”) means “engaging in panicked or uncontrolled behavior”–for example, as the result of psychedelic drug use. “Freaking” may also be a minced oath used in place of “fucking,” e.g. “Oh my freaking God!” The word is a homonym of “phreak” (referring to the illegal hacking of telephone systems), which it probably inspired.

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