Garden Projects for Expats

union jack wellies

Gardening overseas is a fantastic hobby for expats because it provides an interesting way to meet people, to learn a different aspect of your host culture, to learn more about local foods and to get outside for fresh air an exercise. Spring is the perfect time to start most garden projects and by spring most people will be eager to spend more time outside anyway.

Don’t know where to start? If you have a back yard, a back garden, only a patch of grass in the front, a balcony or just a window sill you can start a garden project. Now is the time to start controlling weeds, to plan a vegetable patch, to start pampering your lawn (or at least mowing it!), and to think about adding new plants where you can, if you can.

If you have a serviced house and a gardener regularly cares for the plants and lawn, you can still get involved. Ask the gardener for things you can do or suggestions of container plants you could grow. For example, strawberries grow fantastically well in containers.

A small shrub in a container by the front door makes an attractive and personalised entrance. However, you may need to consider the security of this–if other people on the street are doing it as well, then it’s probably ok, but if no one else has, then the plants might get stolen easily. Try a window box instead.

Enjoy your garden project, however big or small it might be and make the most of your new hobby overseas by meeting people and learning even more about your host country!

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