1: HEV Suit (Half-Life) The silent protagonist that is Gordon “The Free Man” Freeman and his trusty HEV suit received the number one spot on this list. Why? Because unlike the others featured, it is NOT a hi-tech suit with nanotechnology; it is NOT massive cast of armor that’ll deflect rockets and any other kind of explosive projectile; it is NOT a legendary piece of armor or a robotic body. It is simply a Hazard Suit - and simply is the key word.Gordon Freeman is a scientist. Seeing him in anything that looked remotely futuristic would be even more absurd than the actual plot of Half-Life. So, Valve decides to give him a standard-procedure Hazard suit, similar to ones that real-life scientists wear.Sure, the game features armor and health stations to replenish the respective points, but if it didn’t, it would be a freaking hard game.
2: Varia Suit (Metroid)

If there’s one thing that’s been established in a video game, it’s that you can rarely succeed without donning a full-bodied, hi-tech armored suit of some kind. Sometimes these very suits define the character; they are such iconic symbols that one immediately knows the game that they are from. In even rarer cases, the entire suit is ALL you know of the character, covering every inch of their body in every single game they’ve been featured. No face to put to the name, just an image of one badass suit.
3: MJOLNIR Mark V (Halo)

Another iconic figure in video game, a relative newcomer to the medium and yet still one of the industry’s most well known figures. Master Chief, like the Big Daddy and Nomad of Crysis, is a character whose face you never see. Regardless of that, however, simply laying ones eyes upon the Mark V Armor is more than enough to know what game it’s from.It’s one of the most recognizable symbols from any game, and is literally the image of the franchise’s legendary hero, Master Chief.
4: Nanosuit (Crysis)

Going further with the nanotechnology touched upon with the Octocamo, Crysis’ own variant of a nanosuit features a much more futuristic approach.This hi-tech suit has the ability to increase movement speed and strength nearly threefold, as well as the ability to reduce damage received from any kind of weapon and render the user completely invisible for a short period of time.This kind of suit in the wrong hands would definitely be a deadly weapon; fortunately, the guys at Crytek were one step ahead of the game. Each nanosuit comes equipped with a self-vaporizer which can be initiated by any of the squad members. Want to get rid of a body and nanosuit so the enemies don’t get their hands on it? Vaporize away!
5: Gears (Gears of War) Alien invasion Check. Chainsaw bayonets? Check.

Huge, burly men wearing even bigger suits of armor? Checkcheckcheckcheck. Gears of War was a violent romp into a futuristic, yet devastated world of dismemberment, foul language and chainsaw-buzzing.But what’s even more interesting is how the hell those guys are able to run around in armor THAT big. Seriously. You could fit three normal people in one of those. What was Epic thinking? Apparently, they were thinking, “Let’s give them some epic armor.” And you know what? They damn sure did.
6: Big Daddy Armor (BioShock)

The only featured name on the list to not be a playable character, the Big Daddy is easily BioShock’s most recognizable character - and rightfully so. One look at this overbearing monstrosity and anyone would be terrified (well, anyone except the Little Sisters…).The steel-plated frame of this beast gives him near-vulnerability to most weapons, and the massive drill on his right hand makes him a true force to be reckoned with. Couple this with his unusual and eerily protective-nature of the Little Sisters and you have one awesome - and awesome looking - creation.
7: Octocamo (Metal Gear Solid 4:

Guns of the Patriots) The newest entry to the list, but one of gaming’s oldest legends (punintended). The Octocamo is an extension of Snake’s earlier sneaking suit; however,with the aid of nanotechnology, the suit, as its name implies, contains near-instant camouflage technology. Merely pressing your body up against any surface blends the suit directly into the environment, allowing Snake almost limitless freedom of movement on the battlefield.
8: Zero’s Armor (Mega Man X)

Not quite as popular as his blue-suited “brother,” Zero is the Dante of the Mega Man series. He’s the rebellious and independent robot of the bunch. But in being so, he also has the best looking armor in the entire franchise,especially the listed one above, first featured in Zero’s debut game, Mega Man X. The character is itself a complete contrast of the iconic Mega Man, not just in color, but in combat style. While X features long-range projectiles, Zero fights with his concentrated Z-Saber at close-range. He not only kicks ass and takes names, he does it in style.
9: Valiant Mail (Radiata Stories)

10: Kain’s Dragoon Armor (Final Fantasy IV)

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